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Strategic Initiatives


Strategic Initiatives has created this Transforming for Turbulent Times portal to provide the knowledge necessities for transformation: perspectives, tools, cases and stories, methodologies, and know-how. We offer this intellectual property to professionals engaged in the Knowledge, Work, and Learning industry as they confront the challenge of Transforming for Turbulent Times.

At this time, readers may purchase the e-book and/or paperback versions of the book from the Society for College and University Planning and Lulu Publishing, as provided below. Such purchases include free online access to the stories, cases, and scenarios described in the book. In the future we plan to also offer as an additional purchase an expanded and regularly refreshed repository.


In addition to these knowledge resources, Strategic Initiatives offers the mentoring, coaching, and consulting services described in the Services tab. The distinctive nature of each such relationship can be negotiated by contacting Strategic Initiatives.

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